Making the Case for Neglected Diseases: Leveraging National Investment Cases to Unlock Financing for Access and Delivery of Health Technologies

On 4 November 2020, Uniting Efforts held “Making the Case for Neglected Diseases: Leveraging National Investment Cases to Unlock Financing for Access and Delivery of Health Technologies,” the second webinar in our series exploring key issues around innovating for access and delivery for neglected diseases.

This virtual dialogue brought together neglected disease and investment case experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges involved with using investment cases as an evidence-based strategy to mobilize financing for lifesaving treatments, diagnostics and other health technologies. As the COVID-19 pandemic strains already-limited health resources around the world, now is the time to redouble our efforts to ensure that vulnerable communities can access necessary tools to protect against neglected diseases.

The event launched a new publication, “Guidance Note for the Development of National Investment Cases for Neglected Diseases,” developed by Uniting Efforts Consultants Rachel Nugent and Brian Hutchinson. The interactive presentation of the paper was followed by an expert panel discussion and Q&A session to allow for an open dialogue with registered participants.

Watch the event

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